Caretakers of the Winter Street Center
SPI, founded in 1971, is an entirely volunteer organization based in the city of Bath, in Sagadahoc County, in Maine. In addition to multiple programs and events promoting historic preservation, Sagadahoc Preservation, Inc. is dedicated to the preservation of significant architectural gems within our City of Ships, and the surrounding area.
Restoration work to the Winter Street Center (WSC) and church is also an ongoing undertaking! Most recently the steeple of this great building has been rescued and repaired after storm damage in 2020, and the interior of the Event Hall has been repainted.
Plans for 2023 include:
Modernization of the kitchen.
Painting south side of Annex and west side of Sanctuary.
Add gutters with leaf guards to three sides of building.
Seal the crawl space beneath the Sanctuary.
Add a fire escape to the third floor.
Your tax-deductible donation that can be designated for specific projects!
Second Floor Office
Second Floor
Second Floor - northeast corner
Attic Access & Plaster Ceiling Decay
Second Floor - Great Room, Center

Ceiling trusses - Church

Church Windows - removed & boarded up

Church Interior - First Floor

Church Chandelier

Ceiling Trusses - from above

Winter Street Church
Repainted Detail Center's Ceiling